HEALTHCARE – Certified Nursing Assistant Training (JVS) 💲
Specialized training, ESOL classes, and one-on-one career jobs coaching services.
Specialized training, ESOL classes, and one-on-one career jobs coaching services.
FREE training and a full-time benefited job teaching young children.
Daily culinary arts training and wraparound services
Classes to prepare students to pass each section of the HiSET or GED test.
Prepares students to become entry-level direct career professionals in human services.
Three-part supported transitional employment program for young adults at risk/experiencing housing insecurity.
Learn the necessary laboratory skills to start your career in the biotechnology industry as a manufacturing associate.
Learn the fundamentals to succeed as a maintenance technician/engineer.
On-the job housekeeping training with life skills and job readiness workshops.
Job training in high-production kitchen with life skills and job readiness workshops. Includes ServSafe certification.